I fully agree with you. I tried to read the latest Awake and public
Watchtower and could not believe the lack of substance and the
third grade level of brain power required to comprend the articles.
Sour Grapes
it's been a few years, i had some time to spare and it was there.
not considering the actual message, here is what hit me, hard:.
the font is larger than that used by any secular publication that one would consider intellectual.. the language is so basic that it would bore the educated but would be embraced by those who were "simple" or perhaps mentally challenged.it alsowould not promote thinking as their was so little substance.. i then checked an awake and it is much the same.
I fully agree with you. I tried to read the latest Awake and public
Watchtower and could not believe the lack of substance and the
third grade level of brain power required to comprend the articles.
Sour Grapes
a wisconsin man won top prize in the "world's best liar" contest.. the burlington liars club gave its top award to 58-year-old public health inspector jerry legro of sun prairie.
his lie: ""i just realized how bad the economy really is.
i recently bought a new toaster oven and as a complimentary gift, i was given a bank.".
We give gifts all year long.
We did not say the end was coming in 1975.
The end is near.
Sour Grapes
as stated in part 1 the latter part of the 1980s and 1990s were very good for my wife and i. we are doing well spiritually and both had good jobs.
our increasing income allowed us to move at a relatively young age to a nice area.
we wanted to stay in our old congregation but i was told as an appointed man i should support the congregation in my new territory.. this new congregation had a completely different feel about it to our old one.
Thanks for sharing. Oh the blessings of the spiritual paradise!
Sour Grapes
the woman was on her deathbed.
she was painfully aware that her days were coming to a close and she was feeling so many conflicting emotions that she found herself wishing it would just hurry up and be over with.
you see, she had been a jehovahs witness for her entire life.
Thank you for the post! This is really happening in many JW families.
They are sacrificing the only life that they have for a future life that
is a pipe dream. My mother who is in her late 80's keeps telling me
that I never thought that I would get this old in this old system.
Again thanks.
Sour Grapes
when you people were witnesses, was there one thing (or many) that really told you non-jw's were not that bad people after all?
was there anything other people did to you that got you thinking or, better yet, feeling that you hadn't been told the truth about us?.
thank you for your answers..
I was impressed by my wordly friends that had happier
families than what I had and did a lot to help the homeless
and hungry. I actually thought at one time in my life that
giving a hungry person a set of magazines was better than
giving him food because I was offering everlasting life.
Man oh man was I a true blue JW sicko.
Sour Grapes
seems so long ago, 1975, lots happened to us all since but not the promised big a and a new system - what we get now is bethelites made redundant, no sign of a promise fulfilled, and yet millions still adhere to the wt.
and still in front of us is 2014 - how will; the wt big that up'.
1975 has been made redundant like hundreds of bethelites - as far as i know the year has not been mentioned for - well 35 years now.
What has Jesus been doing for almost 100 years?
Sour Grapes
i learn: the watchtower society's first president was not ct russell, that he was into pyramids, that rutherford hijacked his little religion and turned it into a powerhouse for publishing, that he liked sly grog, had 2 cadillacs to al capones 1, was a bully, and had cancer of the bum, that over all the years they can't make up their mind between new and old light, that the governing body dont even consult the bible, that they had at least one gay g/b member, manipulate prophecy, set dates and blame the flock, invented disfellowshipping just after critizing the catholics for excomunication, avoid taxes, lie on the stand, joined the u.n, own billions of dollars worth of ny, trade stocks and shares, tried be friends with hitler, condoned bribery in mexico, let the flock think they were resticted by the mexican govt, let mallawians die for nothing, keep watering down the blood policy, whitwash their own history, have secret books to help child custody battles, hides criminals, runs heretic witch hunts, spys, has two watchtower mags, supported swaggert in court, lies, controls minds, protects pedophiles, punishes victims, tears families apart, is anti education, is practically run by lawyers, has more corporations than wallstreet it seems, promote wt lit as part of the bible, supported racial segregation in the south, policed the bedroom, that the bible and preaching work are a front for a massive, giant megalomaniacal malevolent publishing house.
that none of this is unsupported lies!.
and to think that a month or so ago, i thought the only dirt on them might have been being a little to harsh on shunning.. i feel sick.
All of you guys are going to stumble me out of the Truth!
Sour Grapes
here are my predictions for 2010:.
ted jarez will not pass away.
this will prevent any major reforms or restructuring and very much make this another "buisness as usual" year.new light on blood: there will be an article on blood; it will change the blood policy in a minor way as to loosen it up, but that will not be explicitly stated.
You have now given the Governing Body a road map for
2010. You are the source of new light.
Sour Grapes
i knew a few jws (including some of my family members) who would go clubbing, concerts, play sports ,watch rated r movies and go to party's with "worldy" people.
at the same time, managed to live life in the "truth" (such as field service, give talks, hold the mic during the wt study, etc.).
were you one or knew a jw who was like that.
When I was an elder I refused to ask for $0.20 when selling
the Watchtower and Awake. I saw R rated movies, and often
just carried by Bible when going from door to door. I also
made out with my wife at the hall one night when I was
doing some work on counting the literature.
Sour Grapes
i am still a member of the jw's organization.
i have been puzzled over some of the teachings for many years but as i seemed to be the only one querying things among my local jw's i felt as if i was going crazy.
i was very relieved to find this site, a few months ago, full of evidence to back up my findings, and so much more.. i am so grateful to you all.. i do not want to leave the organization until i have planted some seeds in my family to open their eyes.
Welcome aboad. Just a word of caution of asking to many questions
to JW's. You could get into trouble. It is better to ask your questions
to us. There are many active elders and former elders on this board.
We answer and won't rat you out and get you hauled into the
JWN library to sit in front of a tribunal.
Sour Grapes